Internationalization, a major strategic focus for IMT Mines Albi
IMT Mines Albi's international strategy is designed to increase international exposure for students and staff, and to encourage the acquisition of intercultural skills in a context of sustainable mobility. The aim is to offer them, and the companies involved, access to a network of international partners resulting from a shared and coherent policy.
IMT Mines Albi concludes long-term, balanced and global agreements with privileged partners (research, training, economic development) and maintains a range of agreements that meet all students' wishes for mobility and international experience, and secures a close partnership in order to consolidate IMT Mines Albi's European integration, notably through Alliance EULIST.
In a spirit of reciprocity, IMT Mines Albi welcomes the best students and professors from these partnerships to its campus for stays of varying lengths, depending on the projects of excellence they are leading.
Philippe Lours
Vice President, International Affairs
"Internationalizing the campus is a vital necessity and a natural reflex. It enhances IMT Mines Albi's influence and openness to the world. International openness is essential in the field of research, and our teacher-researchers work on it every day. It is also fundamental to the training of our students, all of whom will exercise their talents as engineers and doctors in the constantly evolving globalized industrial and academic world in which we live. They themselves play an active role in this world, through their internships and mobility outside France, which are necessary to obtain their diplomas. It is from the wealth of our many academic, industrial and institutional partnerships abroad, and the opportunities they offer our students and staff, that we draw the broad outlines of our strategy. Join us in building the academic world of tomorrow."
Internationalization lecture series
As part of its international outreach strategy, IMT Mines Albi's International Affairs Department organizes a series of conferences each year, focusing on key issues in the internationalization of higher education, research and academic cooperation.
These meetings bring together experts, teacher-researchers, international partners and professionals from the sector, to share analysis, feedback and future prospects.
Would you like to (re)see these rich and inspiring exchanges?
IMT Mines Albi and its network of international partnerships
ERASMUS+, the assurance of international partnerships
Erasmus+ is the European Union's program for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The program aims to give young people under the age of 30 the opportunity to spend time abroad to enhance their skills and employability. The ERASMUS+ program helps organizations, including higher education establishments, to develop through international partnerships and to share innovative practices in the fields of research, education, training and youth.

The ERASMUS+ Charter, renewed for 2021-2027 with the highest rating, aims to set the framework for:
- engineering students to take part in ERASMUS exchange programs;
- IMT Mines Albi to host students on academic mobility programs.
It also provides an opportunity to promote the mobility of professors, researchers and administrative staff. The ERASMUS+ Charter is also a guarantee of the quality of the links established by IMT Mines Albi with its partner establishments, and of the extent of the internationalization of its campus.
The renewal of this Charter opens up many new horizons for IMT Mines Albi, its students, teachers and staff: international mobility, training of international students and internationalization of the campus, cooperative partnerships between countries to develop innovative educational projects, exchanges and best practices, inclusion and diversity for all publics, strengthening of links between higher education and business, promotion of respect for the environment and civic engagement...
IMT Mines Albi is fully committed to the dematerialization process that is so important to ERASMUS+: ERASMUS without paper. The European Commission's aim is to encourage higher education establishments participating in the Erasmus+ program to move towards a complete digitization process. Upon enrolment, all students at the school receive a European student card, and have access to the ERASMUS+ mobile application to facilitate their Erasmus+ mobility by assisting them with the necessary formalities.