Pay your apprenticeship tax balance to IMT Mines Albi
How can you find us on the SOLTéA platform?
After logging on to the platform, use the dedicated search engine to enter the following information:
Company name: IMT Mines Albi
Address: Campus Jarlard - 81013 Albi CT 09
UAI : 0811200P
SIRET NUMBER: 180 092 025 00097
RNCP : 39143
4 good reasons to choose IMT Mines Albi as the recipient of your apprenticeship tax balance
- Contribute to the training of your company's future talent
- Enable the acquisition of cutting-edge training equipment
- Enhance the competitiveness of our training to anticipate your future needs
- Being at the heart of technological innovation
IMT Mines Albi is committed to investing this financial resource in the development of its courses to anticipate the needs of companies, keep pace with industrial developments and enable our students to acquire the skills you need.
How will the apprenticeship tax be collected in 2024?
The circuit for collecting and distributing the balance of the apprenticeship tax has changed for 2023. The balance of the apprenticeship tax, which used to be paid directly by employers to establishments and/or training courses eligible to receive the balance, is now declared and paid annually to Urssaf.
The balance of the apprenticeship tax now corresponds to 0.09% of the annual payroll for companies and establishments located in mainland France (excluding Alsace-Moselle) and the French overseas departments. The apprenticeship tax is now declared using the DSN (déclaration sociale nominative) system. The balance of the taxe d'apprentissage is collected annually, on a staggered basis. The first Urssaf collection will concern the 2023 payroll, on the April 2024 DSN due on May 5 or 15, 2024.
The SOLTEA distribution platform is provided by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, enabling companies to :
- choose the beneficiary higher education establishments, their components or the training courses to which you wish to allocate the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage ;
- track transfers made by Caisse des Dépôts to beneficiary higher education establishments.
2024 calendar
april | may 5 or 15 | from May 27 | August and October |
Déclaration sociale nominative by employers | Payment by employers of the balance of the apprenticeship tax due on 2023 payroll to Urssaf (which will then transfer it to Caisse des Dépôts) | Access to SOLTéA for employers (choice of beneficiary establishments, etc.) | Two periods during which Caisse des Dépôts distributes funds to establishments (based on employers' choices) |
1st allocation period
• May 27, 2024: Start of 1st allocation period and opening of SOLTéA for employers
• August 23, 2024: Closing of 1st allocation period
• From September 6, 2024: 1st transfer of funds distributed by employers to establishments
2nd allocation period
• September 7, 2024: Start of 2nd allocation period
• October 4, 2024: Closure of the distribution campaign on SOLTéA
• From October 11, 2024: 2nd transfer of funds distributed by employers to establishments
Retained earnings
• From October 25, 2024: Payment of undistributed funds by regulation.
Useful links to find out more:
• Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
• Prefecture of the Occitanie region, list of establishments authorized to collect the balance of the apprenticeship tax