Meeting the key challenges facing companies and the industry of the future
As a key stakeholder in the energy and ecological transition, IMT Mines Albi trains rigorous general engineers capable of understanding renewable energy systems, from their production to their distribution, including their integration at different scales (buildings, cities, regions and industries) in response to the requirements of companies.
A closer look at the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center
The RAPSODEE (Recherche d’Albi en génie des Procédés des SOlides Divisés, de l’Energie et de l’Environnement - Albi Research in Process Engineering of Divided Solids, Energy and the Environment) UMR CNRS 5302 center has earned international renown for its research into the recovery of biomass and waste.
In the field of energy and the environment, the RAPSODEE center focuses on the production of renewable energy vectors and materials with controlled properties, and on processes using renewable energies (biomass, waste, solar energy, etc.) or waste heat.
Improving energy efficiency, integrating renewable and recovered energies for a greener energy mix, and encouraging the recycling of components at the end of their life cycle are all important levers for the ecological and energy transition.
RAPSODEE, a research and innovation cluster
55reference publications in 2024
98faculty members, researchers, R&D engineers and PhD students in 20242,3M€of contractual activities in 2024
Research projects carried out with major industrial players
The RAPSODEE center maintains close links with industry and the business world. Through its expertise, it supports industrial change by developing more efficient, leaner, greener processes and higher-performance, eco-responsible products, and by responding to the global challenges of competitiveness and decarbonization of industry, in line with IMT’s strategic orientations and the Plan France Relance.
Are you interested in developing a research or innovation partnership with IMT Mines Albi in this area of expertise?
Director of RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302
"The RAPSODEE center boasts a team of lecturers and researchers specializing in process engineering and physical chemistry, enabling it to address issues relating to the generation and shaping of high-performance solids/materials with controlled properties, or the production of renewable energy carriers. To achieve this, original and innovative approaches are used, combining experimental studies with multi-physical and multi-scale modeling and numerical simulations. In this way, it can propose solutions to concrete industrial problems, particularly in the fields of energy, the environment, health and nutrition."
High-level training in energy and the environment
In direct line with its expertise in renewable energies and energy systems of the future, IMT Mines Albi trains general engineers to meet the key challenges facing companies in the fields of energy, the environment and health. IMT Mines Albi is also authorized to award PhDs.
A word from the experts at the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center
Biomass engineering and renewable energyHybridizing skills to optimize building energy renovation
Interview with Bruno Ladevie, director of training at IMT Mines Albi and teacher-researcher specialized in energy.Learn moreBiomass engineering and renewable energyMitigating climate change with renewable energy
Discover the expert speech of Patricia ARLABOSSE on renewable energies, professor and deputy director of the research center RAPSODEE at IMT…Learn moreBiomass engineering and renewable energyProduce energy from biomasse and waste? It’s possible!
Interview with María González, Assistant Professor at IMT Mines Albi, teacher in the Master Biomass and Waste for Energy and Materials …Learn moreDo you have a question about this area of expertise?
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