Become a general engineer at IMT Mines Albi

IMT Mines Albi's general engineering program is accredited by the commission des titres d'ingénieurs (CTI). Joining IMT Mines Albi means choosing a school from France's leading engineering school group, Institut Mines-Télécom.

The values of the IMT Mines Albi generalist engineer

The IMT Mines Albi engineer is a generalist, responsible engineer who drives change, and whose profile is sought after by companies. Unlike specialized engineers, general engineers are multi-skilled. They have scientific and technical knowledge in all areas of engineering, enabling them to evolve professionally in most sectors and functions. At IMT Mines Albi, you'll have the time to work with your mentor to define the career path that's right for you. The generalist engineering diploma will enable you to work not in one sector in particular, but in a wide range of fields linked to the ecological, digital and factory transitions of the future.

The advantage of IMT Mines Albi's training program is that it offers the same general engineering diploma for students and alternating students. 

A comprehensive program to prepare you to become a general engineer

The Generalist Engineering Diploma program is structured in 5 parts:

  • Fundamental and scientific courses: to master the processes involved in transforming matter and energy, and the organization and management of production;

  • Advanced studies: options and double degrees available;

  • Quitus Humanities and Transitions: courses and meetings to better understand transitions;

  • Quitus Mobilité internationale: semester(s) of academic exchange or internship in an international company;

  • Quitus Entreprise: an internship each year (student program) or an apprenticeship 2/3 of the time in a company (alternating program). 

Join the general engineering program at IMT Mines Albi

Depending on your profile and background, there are many different ways to enter our school. You can enter the general engineering program as a student or as a work-study student. You can also take a double degree in pharmacy and engineering.

General engineer

student path

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General engineer

work-study path

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Pharmacist engineer

student and work-study path

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5 options for a more responsible world

IMT Mines Albi awards the same diploma to general engineers in both the student and sandwich courses. Students can choose from 5 options in line with the ecological, digital and industrial transitions of the future.


Renewable energies, sustainable production and construction

Sharpen your skills in the field of renewable energy systems, from production to distribution, including integration at different scales: buildings, cities, regions and industries.

(Available to students and work-study students)

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Pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics processes

To develop an industrial culture and skills in these sectors through the study of manufacturing and business processes, taking into account the specific and evolving constraints of these industries.

(Available to students and work-study students)

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Materials and Advanced Processes for Tomorrow’s Transports

To develop high-performance materials solutions and associated processes, in response to the key challenges facing companies and industries of the future: aeronautics, automotive, aerospace, rail...

(Available to students and work-study students)

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Industrial Engineering for Organizational Performance

To meet the logistics challenges faced by organizations in all sectors, by optimizing the performance of physical and information flow management systems.

(Available to students and work-study students)

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Data Engineering for Information Systems and Energy Systems

To meet the complex challenges linked to the design and management of information systems and the control of energy systems by integrating advanced data analysis and exploitation, as well as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and smart grids.

(Only available to students)

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Engineering profiles sought by companies

The professional integration figures come from the survey carried out by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) on the graduating class in 2022.

  • 40%
    found their 1st job
    following their end-of-study internship
  • 94,5%
    of graduates find a job in less than 6 months
  • 98%
    net employment rate

View essential documents

Flyer general engineer

Program of studies student path

Programme English tracks