Research and innovation
Physics of Decision, an innovation from IMT Mines Albi's Industrial Engineering Center, finalist in the Laval Virtual Awards 2025
POD (Physics Of Decision) is a theoretical approach combining artificial intelligence, data science and immersive technologies to improve…

Guillaume Pouget, PhD student at IMT Mines Albi, explores AI for radar systems at Jönköping University thanks to the EULiST program
Guillaume Pouget is a doctoral student at the Industrial Engineering center of IMT Mines Albi. Winner of the Institut Mines-Télécom call for…

Research and innovation
IMT Mines Albi's Industrial Engineering center and Elioz develop a decision-making tool for the deaf and hearing-impaired
The ACDC (Advanced Call centers for Deaf Community) research project of IMT Mines Albi's Industrial Engineering center (CGI) aims to develop a…

Economic development
IMT Mines Albi and DEDIENNE Aerospace: a strategic partnership for aeronautical innovation
At IMT Mines Albi, we believe that the greatest technological advances emerge from strong synergies between research and industry. That's why…

Palmarés Étudiant 2025: IMT Mines Albi moves up 5 places in the ranking of France's top engineering schools
IMT Mines Albi, 38th best engineering school in France according to L'Étudiant's Palmarès 2025, out of 170 schools ranked.

IMT Mines Albi among the engineering schools preferred by students in the Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer 2025 ranking
Speak & Act, in collaboration with JobTeaser, unveils the 7th edition of the Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer 2025 ranking of…

Ingé Innov IMT Mines Albi 2025 salon dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and research
Ingé'Innov showcases the work carried out by IMT Mines Albi students for corporate partners, associations and local authorities, on innovation…

Research and innovation
Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Sabu Thomas
Former President of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Director and Founder of the International and Inter-University Centre…

Kick-off of the 2024/2025 edition of the Ambassadrices program with the commitment of 5 female engineering students from IMT Mines Albi
Abir, Najoua, Liz, Blandine and Lina are student engineers and doctoral students at IMT Mines Albi and are involved in the Ambassadrices program.

International Week: IMT Mines Albi welcomes partners from around the world
This week IMT Mines Albi celebrates International Week, an event dedicated to the school's international partners.

Discover our new English track at IMT Mines Albi
We are thrilled to announce our new English Track at IMT Mines Albi.

IMT Global Partners Forum at IMT Mines Albi, attended by some 40 international partners
Nearly 40 academic partners from the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) were present at IMT Mines Albi for the IMT Global Partners Forum on September…