General information about enrolling in the general engineering program and financial aid
Tuition fees
All students enrolled in engineering studies at IMT Mines Albi are required to pay tuition fees. For the 2024/2025 academic year, these fees amount to €2,650 for citizens of a European Union member state or another state party to the European Economic Area agreement, and €4,850 per year for those who are not citizens of a European Union member state or another state party to the European Economic Area agreement.
Scholarship students are exempt from these fees. Partial exemption: students whose income is no more than €3,000 above the income limit set for the award of scholarships based on social criteria benefit from a 50% exemption on tuition fees. Students enrolled under a dual degree agreement must comply with the tuition fee payment conditions set out in the partnership agreement.
In the student track, if you switch to salaried employee status from the second semester of the second year, the tuition fees are paid by the company for the third year.
Scholarships and financial aid
The Crous is responsible for managing scholarships based on social criteria according to the eligibility conditions defined each year by IMT. Applications for the student social file (Dossier Social Étudiant - DSE) are made directly on the government website. Final approval of the DSE will take place at the start of the new academic year, once IMT Mines Albi has confirmed the students enrolled.
Additional aid may be obtained from various organizations: Regional council, General council, Town hall, Works council, etc. The student is responsible for making the necessary arrangements directly with the organization.
IMT Mines Albi may offer the Eiffel Scholarship to successful candidates with excellent applications.
Social security coverage
National and international students continuing their studies and already registered with a student mutual insurance company for the 2023/2024 academic year remain affiliated to their previous social security center for the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.
Student life and campus contribution (Contribution de vie étudiante et de campus - CVEC)
Before enrolling in initial training, students must obtain proof of payment or exemption from the CVEC. This contribution amounts to €92 (2023-2024 rate) and must be paid directly on the website.
Preventive medicine
All students at IMT Mines Albi are required to report any medical inaptitude (for sport or other compulsory courses) and provide the relevant medical certificate. In the case of specific inaptitude, the medical certificate may be accompanied by a confidential letter addressed to the school’s preventive healthcare physician.
All students joining IMT Mines Albi for the first time will be required to attend a medical check-up, as part of the school’s preventive actions. They will be asked for their health records, including medical history and vaccination dates. This check-up is compulsory. A nurse is on duty at the school two afternoons a week.
Financial assistance for applicants to Advanced Master’s® programs
Financing under a professionalization contract
You can complete a Mastère Spécialisé® on a work-study basis under a professionalization contract, with 75% of the training taking place in a company, enabling you to combine theoretical training with work experience.
Under a work-study contract, the course costs €12,500 for the Mastère Spécialisé® BE+ and €14,000 for the Mastère Spécialisé® PRINEC.
Once declared eligible, this financing is available to students:
- 16 to 25 years of age to complete initial training;
- 26 and over for jobseekers;
- No age requirement for recipients of RSA, ASS or AAH benefits, or for people leaving a single integration contract (CUI).
Financial assistance from the Occitanie Regional Council
For jobseekers registered with France Travail and who obtained their degree more than two years ago, training may be fully funded by the Occitanie region through the ForProSup scheme. Students enrolled in Advanced Master’s® programs are also eligible for the Revenu Écologique Jeune scheme. As part of an initiative to promote ecological transition and sustainable development in the Occitanie region, jobseekers must be between 18 and 29 years of age, and willing to follow a “Revenu écologique Jeunes” program including vocational training and/or support for a business start-up or takeover project.
Payment for final internship
Each program includes an optional or compulsory internship lasting 4 to 6 months, carried out in a company or research center. The legal minimum amount for payment is €3.90 per hour of internship (around €550/month for a 35-hour week).
Financial assistance from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales
Under certain conditions, students can claim financial assistance from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) to help finance their accommodation.
Financial assistance specifically for international students
- French embassy in your home country
International students can apply to the French embassy in their country of origin for a grant to help finance all or part of the costs of studying or living in France.
- The government of your home country
The governments of some countries help finance their students’ studies in France. Students should make their own inquiries or contact their local Espace Campus France for more information.
- Other scholarships
International students can consult the Campus Bourses catalog of scholarships published by Campus France to find out which scholarships are available for their situation.