Meeting the key challenges facing society and the industry of the future
In direct liaison with the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312, IMT Mines Albi brings together its scientific, educational and economic expertise to develop high-performance material solutions and associated processes to meet the key challenges facing companies and the industry of the future. Imagining and creating safer, greener materials, structures and processes to meet the major challenges of transition.
A closer look at the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312
L’Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 (ICA) is a research laboratory dedicated to the study of mechanical structures, systems and processes in the transport sector of the future, and more specifically in the aeronautics, space, automotive, rail and energy sectors. Its research focuses on behavioral modeling, instrumentation and durability studies of the structures or products involved, in order to optimize tools and processes for shaping materials.
The Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 site of Albi (ICA-A) is a training and research center of IMT Mines Albi.
Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 Albi site, research and innovation cluster
41reference publications in 2024
65technical and administrative staff, teacher-researchers, researchers, R&D engineers and doctoral students in 20241,2M€contractual activity in 2024
Research projects carried out with major industrial players
The Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 conducts cutting-edge research in conjunction with industrial players. The center develops partnerships with major companies to form joint research laboratories and industrial chairs. IMT Mines Albi invests in innovative and meaningful research programs.
Are you interested in developing a research or innovation partnership with IMT Mines Albi?
I would like to know more about the options for collaboration
Anaïs Barasinski
Director of the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312
High-level training in materials and processes
In direct line with its “Materials and processes for aeronautics and space” expertise, IMT Mines Albi trains general engineers to meet the key challenges facing companies in the transport sector of the future. A specific option in this field is available in the general engineering program.
The PRINEC Advanced Master’s Degree in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy trains experts in the field of materials and processes in the circular economy.
For students who want to make an active contribution to technological advances in materials and processes for the aeronautics and space industries, the Institut Clément Ader at IMT Mines Albi also offers a PhD.
Experts from the ICA-A training and research centre speak
Discover the words of experts from the Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 Institute of Albi (ICA-A). Our experts share their analyses and perspectives to better understand the challenges and technological advances in this key area of industry and research.
Metal additive manufacturing: is there strength in combining processes?
3D printing brings together a wide variety of manufacturing techniques, each with its own advantages. Is it possible to combine two different ones, keeping only the associated benefits? A research team from the Clément Ader Institute has been interested in the hybridization of two processes, applied to a metal alloy with remarkable properties.
3D printing: from the Earth to the Moon
3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is no longer reserved for plastic objects. The possibilities offered by this technology are many today: from industrial parts made of metal powders, to printing objects ... directly to the moon!
Composite materials: the recipe for performance
Between lightness and performance, composite materials offer advantages that revolutionize many industrial sectors. How are they developed? What are the advantages compared to conventional materials? How can they be recycled?
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