Chairs and joint research laboratories

IMT Mines Albi’s education and research centers have developed partnerships with companies to form joint research laboratories and industrial or teaching chairs.  IMT Mines Albi looks to the future, investing in innovative and meaningful research programs.  


IMT Mines Albi, a research and innovation cluster for companies

IMT Mines Albi is a major stakeholder in innovation and research. The school has many joint laboratories and industrial and teaching chairs run by the three education and research centers along with industry leaders: Airbus, EDF, ENEDIS, EPSI, LISI Aerospace, Trifyl and SOGEFI.

The aim is to broaden the scope of research and promote technology transfer. 

Develop your research and innovation activities with IMT Mines Albi

Joint research laboratories or LabComs

A joint laboratory, or LabCom, is a form of long-term collaboration with an industrial partner (micro, small, medium or intermediate-sized enterprise). It is based on governance, a roadmap of research activities and the means to operate jointly over the medium and long term. It operates on the basis of collaboration agreements, which provide a framework for major projects with high scientific and industrial stakes, with the aim of generating new knowledge for the benefit of the partners.

List of IMT Mines Albi’s joint research laboratories

  • The joint laboratory Deep Turtle, with Dassault Systems, launched in 2021, focuses on the design, orchestration and monitoring of agile processes whose definition is multi-point-of-view, uncertain and evolving over time. Conducted with the IMT Mines Albi Industrial Engineering Center.

    Period: 2020-2025

    Partner company: Dassault Systems

  • The LabCom GREENAIR focuses on one of the major challenges of the ecological transition: reducing pollutant emissions in order to reduce environmental and health risks. Within this framework, the international LabCom was set up between Zheijang University (China), VEOLIA Asia and the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center. The LabCom focuses in particular on studying and understanding the mechanisms governing emissions of heavy metals and mercury, particularly in waste-to-energy plants.

    Period: 2019-2023

    Partner company: Zheijang University (China), VEOLIA Asia.

  • The joint research laboratory HOSPIT’WIN CHC focuses on the optimization of patient pathways, with the main objective of minimizing waiting times, both for patients at CHC Liège and for staff members. Conducted with the IMT Mines Albi Industrial Engineering Center.

    Period: 2024-2029

    Partner company: ASBL Groupe Santé CHC (Liège)

  • ICA STRAIN focuses on the development of spring elastic bonds, with scientific and technological themes shared by CGR and its academic partners, with the main aim of developing knowledge of the design, manufacture and operation of spring elastic bonds. Conducted with the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312.

    Period: 2022-2026

    Partner companies and institutions: Comptoir Général du Ressort - CGR, CNRS, INSA Toulouse, ISAE-SUPAERO, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

  • This LabEx, supported by the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center is dedicated to Energy Conversion Science. Its goal is to contribute to the development of solar energy applications using basic research and technological innovations in thermal (T), thermodynamic (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) conversion, the production of gaseous energy carriers, and the synthesis of materials by and for solar energy. Examples include the study of particle-air pseudo-fluid for the capture and thermal storage of solar energy between 600 and 800°C, and the solar processing of 2D nanomaterials (sulfides and graphene).

    Period: 2011-2025

    Partner companies and institutions: CNRS, PROMES, IES - INSTITUT D’ELECTRONIQUE ET DES SYSTEMES

  • With the aim of developing a viable recycling technique for used tires and carbon fiber-reinforced organic matrix polymers (CFRPs) at the end of their life, and more generally in the longer term for all advanced organic matrix materials in the form of waste or manufacturing scrap, the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center and Alpha Recyclage Franche Comté, a French industrial player in the recycling of used tires, set up the MARVAPOL joint laboratory in 2015. In 2017, the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 joined this consortium, contributing its skills in carbon fiber reformulation.

    Period: 2023-2027


  • This joint laboratory was set up by the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center and the company PRAYON (Belgium), on the theme of phosphate-based materials, applied in various fields ranging from energy and the environment to the food industry. In particular, it includes investment for pilot facilities dedicated to energy storage using materials developed within the framework of this joint laboratory.

    Period: 2024-2028

    Partner company: PRAYON Les ROCHES

  • This research collaboration aims to benefit from the expertise of the IMT Mines Albi Industrial Engineering Center in artificial intelligence technologies, with the aim of deploying them and integrating them into the radar surveillance systems developed by the company EPSI

    Period: 2023-2028

    Partner company: EPSI

  • The aim of this joint laboratory is to provide companies’ decision-makers with the keys they need to take account of the risks and opportunities to which their business is exposed, and thus improve the agility and resilience of their supply chains. Conducted with the IMT Mines Albi Industrial Engineering Center.

    Period: 2019-2024

    Partner company: Scalian

  • The SOLUTEC LabCom has been developed as a result of the close collaboration between the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center and the company Eco-Tech Ceram since 2015. The overall aim is to develop new versions of Eco-Stock® (a thermocline storage unit marketed for “clean” fumes by Eco-Tech Ceram) adapted to the recovery of complex fumes. The research (2021-2025) involves characterizing fumes from two industrial sectors (ceramics and metallurgy), identifying and understanding corrosion and condensation mechanisms within storage tanks, and controlling these factors in an industrial environment.
    The solutions developed will be validated at TRL 6 to 8 scale, allowing new types of Eco-Stock (version 2 and following) to be marketed for these two sectors. The 2025-2030 period will target fumes from other industrial sectors already identified: cement, lime, steel, aluminum and glass.

    Period: 2021-2027

    Partner company: ETC ECO-TECH CERAM

Research and/or teaching chairs

A research and/or teaching chair brings together one or more corporate sponsors with a research and/or teaching project and entity over a period of 3 to 5 years. Their role is to address scientific issues and technological challenges in upstream research areas and/or to generate innovative training programs, and to promote the transfer of knowledge, with an obligation to disseminate results to the public.

List of IMT Mines Albi teaching and research chairs

  • The aim of the Chair is to design, develop, operate and maintain a digital twin. The international research will be tested and put into application by the Chair’s industrial sponsors: Siemens, Pierre Fabre and Inoprod. This IMT Chair is shared by Mines Saint-Etienne, IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès. The Chair was created with the support of Fondation Mines-Télécom.

    Period: 2023-2026

    Partner companies and institutions: Siemens, Inoprod, Pierre Fabre, Fondation Mines-Télécom.

  • The teaching chair DIGITE, “Digitalization for the Energy Transition”, established in partnership with ENEDIS and supported by Fondation Mines-Télécom, aims to develop a training program dedicated to the digitalization of companies, particularly those in the energy sector. Focusing on data science and AI, it associates the digital transition with the energy transition, and aims to support industrial players in the changes generated by these transitions. As part of this approach, it draws on the expertise of ENEDIS  and the innovative potential of IMT Mines Albi research, through the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center and the Industrial Engineering Center, and aspires to be a source of meaning for engineering students at IMT Mines Albi.

    Period: 2022-2026

    Partner companies and institutions: Fondation Mines-Télécom, ENEDIS.

  • The MINAUMET chair, led by Damien Goetz of the Geoscience Center of Mines Paris-PSL and developed in partnership with Prony Resources New Caledonia, the Center of Thermodynamics of Processes of Mines Paris-PSL and the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center at IMT Mines Albi, aims to support stakeholders in the mining sector in the improvement of their practices to optimize the use of deposits.

    In so doing, the Chair aims to strengthen New Caledonia’s, and thus France’s position in the sustainable mobility market, since both transition metals (nickel and cobalt) are essential in manufacturing cathodes for the Li-Ion batteries used for electric vehicles. The Chair also includes a training component. It hosts current engineering students and PhD students in partnership with Prony Resources New Caledonia and offers training for the company’s staff through seminars.

    Period: 2021-2025

    Partner companies and institutions: Prony Resources New Caledonia, Center of Thermodynamics of Process of Mines Paris-PSL, Geoscience Center of Mines Paris-PSL.

  • The program aims to develop an innovative tool to support strategic decisions on supplier selection, choice of technology and scaling supply chain capacity in highly uncertain and disrupted environments. A software prototype has been developed and industrial trials are currently underway.

    The program also calls for developments aimed at taking better advantage of the opportunities offered by processing the masses of data now available - almost in real time - in industrial 4.0 networks. These include the development of ad hoc algorithms for short- and medium-term detection and prediction, and the design of new organizational structures and management tools inspired by the principles of the Physical Internet.

    Period: 2016-2025

    Partner companies and institutions: Fondation Mines Télécom, Pierre Fabre SA, GEORGIA TECH UNIVERSITY

  • The “2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019, John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino on Sustainable Energy Materials” Chair at Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) in India. Ange Nzihou is holder of the “Sustainable Energy Materials” Chair created in collaboration with the 2019 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino.  The purpose of this Chair is to co-organize and provide a series of seminars (twice a year) at Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) with prestigious international guests and education for students and industrial partners of MGU. This research chair also provides a training aspect with an exchange program between MGU and IMT Mines Albi for researchers (research professors, PhD students) and students (dual degrees, semesters abroad).

    Period: 2022-2025

  • The UNESCO IDBio “Sustainable Engineering of Bio-based Products” Chair, led by Carole Molina Jouve and Pascal Loubière of INSA Toulouse and developed in partnership with six African universities, four French higher education institutions, including IMT Mines Albi through the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center, and three research organizations, aims to establish collaborative initial training as well as training in and through research in the field of sustainable development. The project’s specific goals include improving the use of natural resources and local waste, reducing the carbon footprint of human activities and dependence on fossil fuels, and reducing poverty.  By jointly developing training, research and innovation skills, this project aims to meet the challenges of sustainable economic development and boost the employability of young African people in emerging and sustainable sectors such as bioenergy, green chemistry, health, bio-based materials, biofertilizers, biopesticides, and cosmetics.

    Period: 2023 - 2027

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