IMT Mines Albi celebrates its international partnerships
As a Grande Ecole of the Institut Mines-Télécom, IMT Mines Albi is an international school. By 2024, 20% of the school's students will be international. IMT Mines Albi is deploying its international strategy and opening up to the world. This week, IMT Mines Albi celebrated International Week, an event dedicated to strengthening collaborations with its network of international partners. This strategic meeting aims to exchange ideas on academic and scientific projects, co-construct innovative initiatives, and promote the excellence of our global network. A unique opportunity to consolidate our role as a major player in higher education and research on an international scale.

International week at IMT Mines Albi
Strategic exchanges and discussions to strengthen our academic and scientific relations, cultural visits such as the discovery of the famous Mappa Mundi, a precious testimony to the history of humanity, participation in 2 Tons workshops to explore concrete solutions to the challenges of ecological transition ... are on the program for this rich 2024 international week.
This event illustrates the international dynamism of IMT Mines Albi, which relies on a network of prestigious partners to promote innovation, academic excellence and cultural openness. Among the partners present, many institutions from the EULiST program answered the call. A big thank you to our partners for their confidence, and to all the teams mobilized to make this event a success. IMT Mines Albi affirms its position as a major player in higher education and research on a global scale.