Recruit a work-study student, intern or graduate of IMT Mines Albi

IMT Mines Albi’s mission is to train engineers who are meticulous, resourceful and can help bring new momentum to companies. IMT Mines Albi is committed to training the next generation of engineers capable of managing major projects, with a full awareness of the positive environmental and social impact of its activities.

Recruit your future employees, IMT Mines Albi engineers

Since its creation, IMT Mines Albi has trained more than 6,000 general engineers. A general engineer from IMT Mines Albi is a key player in the world of engineering, capable of meeting the complex challenges of the future. Recruiting a work-study student, intern or graduate from IMT Mines Albi is a safe bet. By training an intern or a work-study student in your company, you are helping to develop the talents of the future. 

IMT Mines Albi engineers: talents ready to take on any challenge!

Are you looking for an intern? Would you like to help train a work-study student at your company? Are you looking for a general engineer to join your team and bring it new momentum? General engineers at IMT Mines Albi have versatile profiles.


During their training, they develop skills related to the following options:

    •   renewable energies, sustainable production and construction
    •   advanced materials and processes for the transport of the future 
    •   pharmaceutical, agri-food and cosmetic processes and procedures
    •   industrial engineering for organizational performance  
    •   data engineering for information systems and energy systems 


Post your job offer directly on the Career Center platform.

Recruit an IMT Mines Albi engineering student for an internship

Offering an internship and recruiting engineering students from IMT Mines Albi means integrating versatile profiles into your work teams, who are capable of managing and designing multidisciplinary projects.
IMT Mines Albi’s general engineering students have cross-disciplinary skills, enabling them to solve complex problems within your company. 
General engineers from IMT Mines Albi are independent, committed to the positive environmental and social impact of their activities, and a driving force behind the ecological, digital and industrial transitions of the future.

You can submit an internship offer according to the profile you wish to recruit and the duration: 

  • first-year engineering students, an operator-level internship: 4 to 6 weeks, from late January
  • second-year engineering students, an assistant engineer-level internship: 16 to 19 weeks, from mid-April
  • third-year engineering students, an engineer-level internship: minimum 20 weeks, from early February
  • Advanced Master’s® students: a 6-month internship from late January

You can post a job offer directly on the school’s Career Center page. After creating an account for your company, you will be able to track the progress of your offers online (validation, number of views), archive them when they have been filled, and update them independently.

Post an internship offer for IMT Mines Albi students

Recruit an IMT Mines Albi student on a work-study program

A general engineer on a work-study program at IMT Mines Albi has a highly versatile profile. They have solid foundations in scientific and technical knowledge. They are capable of managing and designing multidisciplinary projects. As an employee of the company during their training, engineering students on work-study programs progress in the deployment of their professional skills by constantly linking the knowledge they have acquired with their work at the company. General engineering students on work-study programs at IMT Mines Albi are independent, committed to the positive environmental and social impact of their activities, and a driving force behind transitions

  • Recruit an IMT Mines Albi engineering student for three years

    As a company, you can recruit an IMT Mines Albi engineering student for a total of three years. IMT Mines Albi trains general engineers on work-study programs, with fundamental knowledge and multidisciplinary openness which are sought after by companies. As part of their three-year program, these IMT Mines Albi student engineers spend 2/3 of their time in a company as salaried employees.

    Each year, work-study students spend a total of 1,150 hours with their company: 1,000 hours on professional assignments, and 150 hours devoted to remote e-learning courses. General engineers on work-study programs at IMT Mines Albi have employee status.

  • Recruit a student pharmacist engineer on a 24-month work-study program

    As a company, you can recruit a student on the general engineering course to become a pharmacist engineer. These are students with 5 or 6 years of pharmaceutical studies who wish to obtain two degrees: a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from their home university and a general engineering degree from IMT Mines Albi. Student pharmacist engineers can join the program as students or as part of a work-study program, and thus benefit from status as an employee within your company.

  • Recruit a student engineer on a 12-month or 18-month work-study program

    As a company, you can recruit an IMT Mines Albi engineering student enrolled in the general student pathway who would like to complete the last year or 18 months of their training under a work-study program.


Post your offer of a work-study position on the Career Center.

Meet your future employees at the Business Forum!

The Business Forums of IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès combine forces! This is the strength of the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) group. Are you a company looking to meet your future employees? Don’t miss this unique opportunity, IMT Mines Albi engineering students will be there! On our professional-quality stand, you can:

  • recruit interns
  • promote your company
  • find your future employees

The Business Forum takes place on Thursday, October 23, 2025 at the Parc des Expositions in Montpellier.

See details

Recruit a general engineering graduate from IMT Mines Albi

You are looking for a general engineer in the following fields:

    •    Pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and food industries
    •    Aeronautics, space, automotive, naval, rail, metallurgy industries
    •    Energy, environment, construction, public works
    •    Consulting firms, engineering
    •    Information technology, ICT services, telecommunications
    •    Education, research, R&D, human and social health

Every year, more than 350 general engineering students graduate from IMT Mines Albi, trained via the regular student or work-study programs, PhD or Advanced Master’s® programs.

Would you like to recruit an engineer from IMT Mines Albi?

Post your job offer on the Career Center

Léa Passard

President of the IMT Mines Albi Alumni Association

"IMT Mines Albi Alumni is the association for former students of the school. It includes students currently training at the school as well as anyone who has completed a degree course here. The aim is to support network members throughout the different phases of their career path. Students can benefit from our mentoring program. Our alumni have access to a coaching service at a preferential rate, and can share their expertise in our biannual thematic magazine (Minerai). Through a variety of events, the association’s volunteers strive to keep the federal spirit alive within our network. Thanks to our decentralized presence on a national and international scale, through the commitment of our local group leaders, our resource platform and our actions to promote alumni, we work closely with alumni to bring our network to life."

Find out more about the IMT Mines Albi alumni network

See the engineering students’ study programs

Program of studies student path

Annual report 2023

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