An Advanced Master’s® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy
The Advanced Master’s® in Processes and Resources for Circular Economy Engineering (PRINEC) trains the engineers and future experts that companies need in order to meet the demands and expectations of new regulations linked to the circular economy. Through this highly vocational program, you will develop your skills in new materials and processes in the circular economy. A program offered jointly by IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès, accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) with the support of the eco-organization Valdelia.

Become an expert in materials and processes for the circular economy
The Advanced Master’s® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy - PRINEC is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE). This course is for you if you want to:
• become a professional committed to the ecological, social and civic transition;
• become the expert companies need to meet the requirements and expectations of new regulations linked to the circular economy;
• acquire the scientific, technological and cross-disciplinary skills required to develop high-performance second-life materials using innovative and viable processes, and to be capable of evaluating them from an economic and environmental perspective.
Duration1 year,
including 6 months' internship or 8 months' work-study program with a companyLocationAt the campus of your choice: IMT Mines Albi or IMT Mines AlèsTuition fees€7,000*BeginsSeptember 2025*Student price
The Advanced Master’s® PRINEC will enable you to acquire scientific, technological and cross-disciplinary skills in the field of circular economy engineering.
- Developing high-performance second-life materials using innovative, viable processes.
- Evaluating processes in economic and environmental terms.
- Identifying a circular economy strategy to minimize the environmental impact of production tools for the transformation of materials.
- Meeting requirements and expectations arising from the implementation of new national and European regulationsCurriculum for the Advanced Master’s® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy
The program runs for 12 months, with 1 semester of courses and 1 semester of internships. The program involves a single core curriculum divided into 3 teaching units, with classes, lectures and visits to companies/industrial sites.
Materials and product value chains
• Materials science
• Processing and shaping
• Raw materials and natural resources
• Industrial sectors and materials
Product life cycle and socioeconomic aspects• LCA, industrial and local ecology
• Ecodesign and choice of materials
• Characteristics of secondary raw materials, markets and regulatory aspects
• Public policies, innovation and emerging themes
• Eco-organizations
• Sociology of waste
• Logistics and retro-logistics of end-of-life products
Scientific and technical projectThis project places students in the role of project managers. It is carried out at the schools’ research centers and is supervised by research professors from IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès.
Innovative processes for the circular economy
• Sorting and identification methods, physical, chemical and thermochemical recycling of plastics and composites
• Energy recovery
• Recovery and recycling of common and strategic metals
• Composting and biodegradation, contamination issues
• Advanced manufacturing methods
• Design and reuse of materialsProfessional thesis - Internship
The work experience assignments in the second semester are devoted to carrying out a comprehensive study of an industrial subject. The aim is to put into practice the ability to apprehend an industrial problem in its broadest sense: scientific, technological, socioeconomic, organizational and relational.
Training also available under a professionalization contract
If you choose to take the PRINEC Specialized Master® as part of a work-study program under a professionalization contract, 75% of your training will take place in a company, enabling you to combine theoretical training with work experience. From February onwards, you'll be working full-time in the company. For more information on the work-study schedule, please contact our training department.
How do I join the Advanced Master’s® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy?
This program is open to students with a background in materials science, mechanical engineering, power engineering, process engineering or industrial engineering and one of the following degrees/levels:
- 5 application sessions from December to June 2025
The application deadlines for each session are:
• Session 1: 21 January 2025
• Session 2: February 28, 2025
• Session 3: April 1, 2025
• Session 4: May 12, 2025
• Session 5: June 3, 2025
International students are encouraged to apply for the first two sessions, to give them time to complete the administrative formalities with the diplomatic post in their home country, if they are accepted.
VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience) candidates can also enroll in the PRINEC Specialized Master® program.
- Financing options available
There are three possible financing options for students enrolling in the PRINEC Specialized Master's program
• self-financing : at the student rate of €7,000
• on a work-study basis under a professional training contract : at the company rate of €14,000.Once declared eligible, this option is open to students :
- 16 to 25 years of age to complete initial training;
- 26 and over for jobseekers;
- No age requirement for RSA, ASS or AAH beneficiaries, or for people leaving a CUI (contrat unique d'insertion).• thanks to the Occitanie Region's ForPro Sup program.
This fully-funded scheme is open to jobseekers registered with France Travail in France who have held a diploma for at least 2 years.
The circular economy in figures
300,000jobs to be created in the circular economy sector by 2030, according to the French government70%of materials and waste produced on construction sites are recycled according to the French government (2020)59%of working people would like to have a more meaningful job Source: GreenFlex-ADEME 2019 barometer of responsible consumption
Advantages of the Advanced Master’s® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy
IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès are committed to the environment, the preservation of resources and efficient waste management, and sensitive to industrial change. They offer the Advanced Master’s® PRINEC, to:
• respond to the need to reduce material consumption and the environmental footprint of industrial processes
• train executives capable of improving the recovery of end-of-life products generated by industry, the domestic sector and local authorities, through innovative, high-performance processes with low environmental impact
• integrate new skills into engineering professions to develop eco-design for products at the end of their life cycle
• equip professionals to take up the challenge of circularity in the face of today’s linear production systems.A profile needed by companies
Graduates of the Advanced Master’s® will take on positions with a high level of responsibility and technical expertise with regard to the decisive environmental challenges posed by industrial and societal developments. They will support and advise both companies and local authorities on projects related to the circular economy and the environment. They will identify a circular economy strategy to minimize the environmental impact of production tools for the transformation of materials.
Career opportunities
Project or site manager
• Management of an industrial waste processing site
• Production manager for secondary raw materials or finished products incorporating them
• Certification manager for new products incorporating recycled materials
Planning and design• Carrying out environmental assessments of new products or processes
• Setting up local industrial ecology structures
• (Eco)design of new products maximizing recycled fractions
Research and development• Development of new waste recovery processes
• Development of new materials with a low environmental footprint
• Development of environmental assessment methodologiesSectors of activity and types of company
• Design offices of major groups or mid-sized companies seeking to reduce the environmental footprint of their products, consultancies specializing in the circular economy
• SMEs or industrial establishments of major groups involved in the collection and separation of waste or end-of-life products, or in the recovery of recycled materials produced in-house or acquired from reconditioners or eco-organizations
• Local authorities, institutions or eco-organizations
• Architectural or design firms wishing to use secondary raw materials or reconditioned productsContact form
If you would like to receive more information about the Specialized Master® in Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy, please fill in the form below.