
Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) awards Honorary Doctorate to Professor Sabu Thomas

Former President of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Director and Founder of the International and Inter-University Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Professor Sabu Thomas is a world-renowned expert in polymer science and engineering. 

Research and innovation

Doctor Honoris Causa award ceremony

Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) to award Honorary Doctorate to Professor Sabu Thomas

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 5pm at IMT Mines Albi

Former President of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Director and Founder of the International and Inter-University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Professor Sabu Thomas is a world-renowned expert in polymer science and engineering. He is also President of the Trivandrum Engineering Science and Technology Research Park (TrEST), which focuses on collaborative research in microprocessor design, electric vehicle research and other emerging technologies.

This title is awarded in recognition of his distinguished career and significant services to the advancement of science in the field of biobased polymers for environmental and energy applications worldwide.

The Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony will be opened by Cécile Dubarry, Director General of IMT, and Lionel Luquin, Director of IMT Mines Albi. Ange Nzihou, professor at Centre RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 will deliver a speech in honor of Professor Sabu Thomas. Lionel Luquin, Director of IMT Mines Albi, will present Sabu Thomas with his honorary diploma.

The ceremony will be followed by a lecture and round-table discussion:

  • 5:40 pm - Lecture by Professor Sabu Thomas “New opportunities in sustainable and green bio-nano materials and their polymer bio-nanocomposites. A circular economy approach.” The conference will be subtitled in French.
  • 18h40 - 19h15 - Round table “Green nanomaterials and their polymer bio-nanocomposites: contribution to sustainable transition” in the presence of :

   - Professor Sabu Thomas, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
   - Professor Lorie Hamelin, INRAE Chair “Sustainable Transitions towards low fossil Carbon Economies”, INSA Toulouse, France
   - Professor Alain Dufresne, PAGORA - INP Grenoble
   - Professor Yves Grohens, Université de Bretagne Sud, Director of the ComposiTIC platform
   - Professor Ange Nzihou, Centre RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 IMT Mines Albi, Moderator

The round table will be subtitled in French.

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