
Palmarés Étudiant 2025: IMT Mines Albi moves up 5 places in the ranking of France's top engineering schools

IMT Mines Albi, 38th best engineering school in France according to L'Étudiant's Palmarès 2025, out of 170 schools ranked. 


IMT Mines Albi still one of France's top engineering schools in 2025

L'Étudiant's 2025 ranking of engineering schools is out! This year, 170 schools were carefully reviewed. IMT Mines Albi moves up 5 places to 38th best French engineering school. 

Become a general engineer at IMT Mines Albi and choose the future

Out of a total of 170 ranked institutions, IMT Mines Albi ranks as the 6th best engineering school in Occitanie. Behind its sister school in the Institut Mines-Télécom group, IMT Mines Alès, IMT Mines Albi stands out for its leadership in research and academic excellence:

  • Research and academic excellence
       - Percentage of teaching staff with a research mission: 10/10
       - Chairs policy: 10/10

IMT Mines Albi also achieves the highest score of 2/2 for gender parity, with 35% of its students being women.

IMT Mines Albi trains engineers who are generalists, responsible, autonomous and drivers of change. The ecological and digital transitions and the factory of the future are strong hallmarks of IMT Mines Albi's identity. IMT Mines Albi offers a complete three-year program, leading to the same generalist engineering diploma for students and work-study students alike.


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