How can I join IMT Mines Albi?

IMT Mines Albi offers a variety of admission options depending on your profile, including general engineering training, the pharmacist-engineer double degree, Specialized Masters® and doctoral programs. Find out more about IMT Mines Albi's admission procedures.

Training to become a general engineer


international student with a foreign qualification equivalent to Bac +2, +3, +4 or higher

  • Entry into 1st, 2nd or 3rd year in the student stream within the framework of a partnership
  • Entry into 1st year student or sandwich course or 2nd year student course outside partnership (individual application)
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Double degree or academic exchange


with a Bac +3 or Bac +4 from an international partner school

  • Integration into 2nd year student program as part of a double degree partnership
  • Integration into 1st, 2nd or 3rd year student stream as part of an exchange partnership (French-speaking curriculum)
  • Integration into 3rd year student stream as part of an exchange partnership (English track)
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Training to become a pharmacist engineer


international student with equivalent foreign qualification Bac +5 or Bac +6 pharmacist

  • Entering the 2nd year in the student double degree partnership stream
  • Year 2 entry in the alternating double-degree partnership stream
  • 2nd year entry in a student program outside partnership (individual application)
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Joining a Mastère Spécialisé® course


international student with foreign diploma equivalent to Bac +5

  • Positive Energy Building - BE+: on application and tests IMT Mines Albi platform
  • Materials and Processes for the Circular Economy - PRINEC: application and exams IMT Mines Albi platform
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Joining doctoral training


with a Master's degree or equivalent (level 7 RNCP)

Doctorate with Toulouse's 3 doctoral schools (AA, EDSYS and MEGEP)

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