Do your PhD at IMT Mines Albi with a foreign diploma equivalent to Bac +5

Do you have a foreign degree equivalent to Bac +5? IMT Mines Albi is authorized to award you a PhD. Doctoral training is a combination of training in and through research and professional experience. It provides you with scientific expertise in a specific field of research and project management skills, while enabling the production of new knowledge. 

Develop your research topic with IMT Mines Albi

PhD is recognized as the highest level diploma. The doctorate is training through research in a laboratory or research center, organized by a doctoral school. This work culminates in the defense of a thesis before a jury. IMT Mines Albi is authorized to award PhD for the three doctoral schools in Toulouse:  
    • AA : Ecole doctorale Aéronautique Astronautique

    • EDSYS : Ecole doctorale Systèmes

    • MEGEP : Ecole doctorale Mécanique, Energétique, Génie Civil et Procédés

Doctoral students register and defend their thesis at IMT Mines Albi. General and scientific training is provided by the doctoral schools of the University of Toulouse. All doctoral students are remunerated.


3 training and research centers for a successful doctorate

Industrial Engineering Center

The Industrial Engineering Center (CGI) develops decision-making methods and tools adapted to uncertain, heterogeneous and collaborative contexts. To achieve this, it combines approaches at the frontier between Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.

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The RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center (Albi Research in Process Engineering of Divided SOlids, Energy and the Environment) specializes in process engineering focused on controlling the functional properties of products. It combines a range of scientific expertise, rarely found in a single entity, in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, process engineering, energetics, thermodynamics and modeling/simulation.

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Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 Albi site

The Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 (ICA) Albi site focuses on the study of mechanical structures, systems and processes. Its areas of activity are in line with those of tomorrow's transport, with a particular focus on projects in the aeronautics, space, transport and energy sectors. 

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Thesis opportunities at IMT Mines Albi

Thanks to its 3 training and research centers, IMT Mines Albi specializes in niche areas of expertise that are both innovative and promising for the future. IMT Mines Albi's three training and research centers offer a wide range of thesis subjects.

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