Develop your research topic with IMT Mines Albi The PhD is recognized as the highest level degree.
The PhD involves training through research in a laboratory or research center. The PhD program is organized by the doctoral school to which the PhD student belongs. The work culminates in a thesis defended before a jury. IMT Mines Albi is authorized to award PhDs for the three doctoral schools in Toulouse:
• AA: Doctoral School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
• EDSYS: Doctoral School Systems
• MEGEP: Doctoral School of Mechanics, Energy, Civil and Process Engineering
PhD students register and defend their thesis at IMT Mines Albi. General and scientific training is provided by the doctoral schools of the University of Toulouse and IMT Mines Albi. All PhD students at the school are paid.
Industrial Engineering Center
The Industrial Engineering Center develops decision support methods and tools adapted to uncertain, heterogeneous and collaborative contexts. To achieve this, it combines approaches related to Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 research center
The RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 research center (Recherche d’Albi en génie des Procédés des SOlides Divisés, de l’Energie et de l’Environnement - Albi Research in Process Engineering of Divided Solids, Energy and the Environment) specializes in process engineering, with a focus on harnessing the functional properties of products. It brings together a range of scientific expertise rarely found in a single entity, in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, process engineering, energy, heat engineering and modeling/simulation.
The Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312
The Albi site of Institut Clément Ader UMR CNRS 5312 is dedicated to the study of mechanical structures, systems and processes. Its sectors of activity are in line with those of transport of the future, with a particular focus on projects in the aeronautics, space, transport and energy sectors.
Thesis opportunities at IMT Mines Albi
With three education and research centers, IMT Mines Albi specializes in areas of expertise that are both innovative and forward-looking. There are many thesis topics offered by IMT Mines Albi’s three education and research centers.